This site specific performance aims at shaping a meta-performance through reenactment and re-making a project which was performed once in the past. In order to re-present a performance Nearby Museum in a different place and with a new performer, the group faced some challenges that dramatically affected the whole project; the text, the narratives, the space, and the relationships.

The changes, challenges and all the discussions within the group during the rehearsals have been documented and used as tools to create a semi-documentary site-specific performance using the archives and the remaining of a past "finished" project.

Concept & Direction Azade Shahmiri | Text Soheil Amirsharifi | Performers Neda Jebreili & Ava Darvishi | Iran International Fadjr Theatre Festival | Off-Stage Program

Premiere: Tehran Fadjr Festival | February 2019

©Photo Mehdi Chakeri, Rose Arghavan