Azade Shahmiri is a theater and performance artist, writer and researcher living in Tehran and Berlin. Rooted in written text and performance in the broadest sense, Azade's practice in recent years has tended to oscillate between play, performance, lecture, video and installation. Her research-based and process-oriented practice is closely interwoven with personal narratives and readings from the past, documents, archives, forgotten and found materials. She studied Theater Studies - Dramatic Literature in Tehran and holds a PhD in Art Research, where she investigated the representations of the West in early Iranian plays.

Azade has presented her performances at various festivals and venues in Asia and Europe, including Tehran City Theater, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Kyoto Experiment, International Theater Festival of Kerala, Asian Arts Theater Gwangju, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Zürcher Theater Spektakel, Wiener Festwochen, Kaserne Basel, Edinburgh Theater Festival, Theatre de l’Usine, Beursschouwburg Brussels and Sophiensaele Berlin.

She has received several fellowships and artist residencies, in particular at PACT Zollverein, SAARI Residence, Literarisches Colloquium Berlin, Eintanzhaus Mannheim.

©Leila Ahmadi Abadeh