Through a study on the ancient history of Damascus, this lecture-performance turns into the narratives of everyday life and aspects of the current brutal reality of a city resisting destruction. Unpacked in the maze where reality and imagination underline each other are very personal, emotive accounts of the history in the past and the present tense. The views on the neighboring country become self-reflexive insights. A search for a new political reality coincides with a confessional monologue about powerlessness and frustration.

Concept, Text & Performance Azade Shahmiri | Visual creation Azade Shahmiri, Hamed Sahihi | Outside Eye Isar Aboumahboub

Premiere: Tehran Leev Festival | November 2013
Presentations: Zürcher Theater Spektakel, August 2014 | Asian Arts Theatre Opening Festival, Gwangju, South Korea, September 2015

The performance text Damascus was published in Tehran in 2020 by Mania-Honar Publications.
©Mehdi Ebadi and Isar Aboumahboub